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Christmas Tag!

Elle Fowler did this tag on youtube. She combined questions from a bunch of different Holiday tags. I thought it would be fun to do. I just love tags. If I made youtube videos I'm sure that I would film tags all the time lol. There are some questions that I've already answered in the Holly Jolly Tag 2.

1) Do you like to stay in your PJ's, or dress up for Christmas?
I always dress up for Christmas. Most years I got to my aunt's house so obviously I'm not going to go there in my pajamas. Even if I spend Christmas Day at home I always dress up because it jusdt makes the day more special for me.

2) If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
It would be my mom because she does so much for me throughout the year and she deserves it.

3) Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
I was always allowed to open one small present on Christmas Eve and everything else on Christmas Morning.

4) Have you ever built a Gingerbread house?
Yes. I was probably 11 the last time I built a gingerbread house and I remember making it.

5) What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
Spend time with family and friends, bake holiday treats, go shopping, dinner and to the movies with my besties, watch movies, catch up on TV shows, read a lot, etc.

6) Favorite Christmas meal or treat?
Lasagna, almond crescents cookies, suagr cookies, butter cookies.

7) What's your favorite holiday movie?
Two movies that I need to watch every year are The Holiday and Eloise at Christmastime.

8) Candy Canes or Gingerbread Men?
Gingerbread Men.

9) Have you ever made a Snowman?
Yes, many times when I was little.

10) Which do you like better, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
I like Christmas Day more than Christmas Eve because that's when I get to see my whole family.

11) White lights, or colored lights?
I prefer white lights because they look more classic to me.

I tag anyone who wants to do this. Hope you're having a good day. xoxo -JoJo

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